Friday, May 6, 2011

Depression and Pregnancy

Some women become depressed when they are pregnant or after they give birth. Other women notice that their depression gets worse during pregnancy.

No one knows the exact cause of depression during or after pregnancy. It may have something to do with:

    * Stress
    * Hormones - After a woman has a baby, her hormone levels drop quickly.
    * Having depression before you get pregnant.
    * Lack of support from family and friends.
    * Young age – The younger you are when you have your baby the more likely you are to become depressed.

Women should talk to their doctor about the risks of taking depression medicines during pregnancy.

Depression can make it hard for woman to take care of herself and her baby. It is important to talk to your doctor about your feelings. Also, try to get some help from your family, friends, or a support group.

    * Ask a relative to watch your baby for a few hours.
    * Join a group for new mothers.
    * Ask a friend to cook a meal for your family or to help with chores.

"The Baby Blues"

Having a baby can be a joyful time. However, some women cry a lot and feel sad right after they have a baby. This is called "the baby blues". This feeling usually goes away after about two weeks.

If you still feel sad after two weeks, go to your doctor or clinic. You may be depressed. This type of depression is called postpartum depression
because it starts after a woman has a baby. A woman can have this kind of depression up to one year after she has a baby.

Depression- Can Be Treated

Do you feel depressed? Do not feel ashamed. Women are more likely than men to feel depressed. About 1 woman in 5 has depression in the U.S.

There is hope.

Depression can be treated with medicine or counseling. Sometimes both are used. Talk to your doctor to find out what will work best for you.

Use this guide to help you talk to your doctor or pharmacist about medicines called antidepressants (an-tee-de-press-ants) that can help to treat depression. Ask your doctor to tell you about all of the risks of taking the different medicines. This guide only talks about some of the risks.

Signs of Depression

Everyone feels sad at times. People with depression feel sad most days. These feelings can get in the way of everyday life.

If you are depressed, you may:

    * Feel sad
    * Feel tired all the time
    * Sleep too little or all the time
    * Cry a lot
    * Lose interest in eating
    * Eat too much
    * Have trouble paying attention
    * Feel nervous or cranky
    * Think about death or try to kill yourself
    * Notice that things that used to make you happy, do not make you happy anymore

Talk to your doctor about your feelings if you have noticed these signs for at least 2 weeks. Only your doctor or counselor can tell you if you have depression.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Manic Depression to Be Taken Seriously

Manic depression or Bipolar depression is actually considered as one of the worst type of depression that people usually suffer from.

Characterized by sudden and extreme changes in their mood, Manic depression is said to be called as such because manic = mania refers to the 'ups' while depression refers to the 'downs'.
A lot of people actually experience erratic changes in their moods, some times, these so-called mood swings may not just be caused by PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) or stress. Doctors actually have diagnosed mood swings as a common symptom of depression.

But when these so-called mood swings have gone to utmost absurdity, from getting irked even by the littlest or simplest of things like not getting your favorite ice cream flavor, this may not be just a sign of bratiness, but when getting irked means you'll cuss and swear on the ice cream vendor and throw absurd tantrums, this may already be the start of Manic depression.The so-called 'manic' or 'ups' in Manic depression is described as to be the times when a person suffering from Manic depression may experience overly high periods, consisting of heightened energy, a sudden outburst of euphoric mood, extreme irritability, thoughts racing as well as aggressive behavior.
According to therapists, someone suffering from Manic depression may have these so-called manic 'periods' wherein sudden outbursts of euphoric and elevated mood swings may actually go through this for as long as not just a day, in can actually go on for as long as one week, even longer than that.

When it comes to the so-called 'low' or 'down' periods, as its name suggests can actually bring someone who is suffering from Manic depression may experience very similar symptoms to those who are suffering from actual depression. People who are suffering from Manic depression may actually experience episodes showing a depressed state of mind - a feeling of worthlessness and being unloved may start to corrupt the individual's mind. Various symptoms, showing guilt, extreme sadness, anxiety attacks, feeling of not belonging, extreme pessimism and obvious loss for pleasure. According to therapists, an individual who is depressed. consistently for more than a week can officially be diagnosed as someone who is suffering from Manic depression.

In spite of being one of the most common, yet severe type of depressive disorder, Manic depression, according to doctors can actually be treated. There's no reason to worry too much about it, just follow the proper procedures that the therapist will instruct you to do, take the proper prescribed medications as well as the proper dosage in order to help you (or your friend or love one) overcome Manic depression before it becomes too late. Also, individuals who are suffering from Manic depression should always be able to see their therapists on a regular basis so as to be able to release their pent up emotions to some one who can interpret and understand what they're going to a lot better as compared to "normal" people.

Although positive results for a Manic depressive patient can still be achieved from natural alternatives, a proper and a more lasting relief from Manic depressive symptoms can still be best acquired through seeing cognitive behavior therapists. Contrary to some beliefs, when it comes to psychiatric treatments, psychiatrists, preferably cognitive behavior therapists are still the best ones to consult for Manic depression, as well as the ones who'll most probably be able to cure Manic depression.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Borderline Personality Disorder Verses Bipolar

Borderline personality disorder and bipolar are often mistaken as being the same thing.  They are also often misdiagnosed, one for the other.  This is because the symptoms for both illnesses are startlingly similar.

Borderline personality disorder is actually less common and less known than bipolar.  Borderline personality disorder accounts for only about twenty percent of hospitalizations for mental illness each year, while bipolar accounts for about fifty percent of hospitalizations.  Borderline personality disorder is most common in young women, whereas bipolar is equally common in both men and women, as well as all age groups. 

Borderline personality disorder and bipolar patients both experience mood swings that may involve violent outbursts, depression, or anxiety.  However, while bipolar patients typically cycle through these moods over a period of weeks or months, borderline personality disorder patients may have bursts of these moods lasting only a few hours or a day.

Borderline personality disorder patients also undergo periods of having no idea who they are in terms of personality, likes, dislikes, and preferences.  They may change long term goals frequently, and have trouble sticking to any one activity.  Acting with impulsiveness, going on major unaffordable shopping sprees, excessive eating, or engaging in risky sexual relationships can also be experienced.  These are also symptoms of mania in bipolar patients.

Borderline personality disorder patients may also undergo periods of worthlessness, feeling mistreated or misunderstood, and emptiness.  These symptoms coincide with symptoms of depression in bipolar patients.

Another symptom of borderline personality disorder involves how they deal with relationships.  Relationships are often viewed in extremes.  Either the patient is totally in love or hates with a passion.  A patient may be completely in love one minute, then hate someone totally due to a small conflict or situation.  Fears of abandonment often lead to suicide threats, rejection, and depression in the patient.  These relationship issues can also be found in bipolar patients.

Treatments of borderline personality disorder and bipolar are also similar.  A combination of therapy and medication is typically preferred by the psychiatrist.  Cognitive behavioral therapy, while successfully implemented with bipolar patients, was originally developed for use with borderline personality disorder.  Various medications can also be prescribed for either mental illness with successful results.

Like bipolar disorder, little is known about the actual causes of borderline personality disorder.  There is a lot of controversy about genetics versus environment in this area.  However, it appears through research that, while bipolar is definitely hereditary and biological in nature, borderline personality disorder is more likely to be a result of environment and situational stimuli.

As you can see, many similarities exist between bipolar and borderline personality disorder.  It can often be quite difficult to distinguish one illness from the other, even for doctors and psychologists.  If you suffer any of the symptoms discussed here, it is important to obtain the assistance and diagnosis of a licensed professional for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of your symptoms.  You should never attempt self diagnosis and treatment for symptoms such as those associated with bipolar and borderline personality disorder without the help of a psychiatrist or psychologist.  Doing so may cause your symptoms to worsen, and make treatment less successful in the future.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bach’s Flower Remedies – Do They Work?

Bach's flower remedies are not something found at the corner store - but they're surprisingly "present", without one having to do back flips to obtain them. Quiet English doctor Edward Bach died in 1936 – but his simple, gentle remedies are still in demand today.

These gentle homeopathic remedies still come in traditional tiny glass bottles with droppers – dark-colored to block out potentially harmful effects of light; and glass as the most neutral container.

A house surgeon at University College Hospital in London, England, Dr. Bach also had an office in fashionable Harley Street, the “medical district”. He specialized in bacteriology, and worked on vaccines - and 7 “nosodes” which later brought him fame.

What is a “nosode”?  It’s Bach's first homeopathic group of natural remedies, each dealing with a particular primary negative emotion - created when Bach grew convinced that man's disorders were tied to his emotions. 

Under each nosode, or group, Bach created remedies to break these emotions down even further, targeting specific causes.  Bach’s original groups were:

•  Fear
•  Uncertainty
•  Insufficient interest in present circumstances
•  Loneliness
•  Over-sensitivity to influences and ideas
•  Despondency or Despair
•  Over-care for welfare of others

As he saw real success with his experiments, Dr. Bach lost interest in the omnipotent and patriarchal medical establishment, which he felt was out of touch with real human beings, thanks to their fascination with only the symptoms and pathological causes of disease. In 1930, he abandoned his successful and prestigious Harley Street medical practice and left the city, devoting all his energy to continuing his research with flower essences.

He enjoyed locating plants during the spring and summer, experimenting with them. During the winter, he offered holistic medical healing to local residents. At this time, he became even more convinced that his patients’ emotions played a major part in the physical symptoms each manifested, and worked hard to isolate specific remedies further.

There were many success stories – and of course, many detractors from traditional medicine. And both trends continue to today. What is particularly telling, however: Edward Bach’s 38 remedies remain exactly as he invented them. And are still readily available across the world, in almost every Natural Health store.

An example just 7 of these remedies, and what they are for (remember – these are homeopathic tinctures of flowers:)

1.  Gorse - To counteract despair
2.  Rock Rose - To counteract panic attacks
3.  Star of Bethlehem - To counteract sudden shock, severe loss
4.  Gentian - To counteract being too easily discouraged, crushed by the slightest setback
5.  Mimulus - To counteract fear – of everything (loss, poverty, loneliness, etc.)
6.  Pine - To counteract guilt and a tendency to blame oneself for every small thing
7.  Willow - To counteract bitterness and a tendency to blame life

Finally, there is Bach’s famous “Rescue® Remedy, a combination of flowers said to be especially good for traumatic situations. It’s formulated from a blend of  5 flowers:

•  Star of Bethlehem
•  Rock Rose
•  Clematis
•  Cherry Plum
•  Impatiens

Depression patient Mary P., also reminisces about carrying tiny bottles of Rescue Remedy with her, when she first began to leave her house.  “I don’t really care if it was a placebo effect – the point is, a few drops of Rescue Remedy under my tongue would relieve the worst anxiety attack.”

Holistic practitioner Sandi Chadwick, R.N., swears by Rescue Remedy; and says she finds it particularly beneficial against shock, especially with the elderly. 

And the best part about these gentle, homeopathic remedies?

They can be taken by anyone – even pets – and won’t interact badly with any other medication.  The interesting part about giving it to pets, says Chadwick: “They don’t know anything about `placebo effects’. And it really works.”

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Depression Support: Where To Get It – And How To Provide It

One of the best “natural” remedies for depression lies in the type of depression support you allow yourself to enjoy. But just as there are ways to be supportive, so too is there a protocol to receiving support – even when you’re depressed.

Hopefully, you will have managed to muster together a few trusted people to call on, instead of suffering through the depressive episode alone. You are not always going to be able to behave like the perfect supportee, of course – but if you keep these principles in mind on those occasions where you are still in control of your emotions or level of despair, you are going to receive a much more willing level of support.

1. Don’t phone your support contacts before 9 a.m. or after  9 p.m. – unless it really is an emergency. People who suffer from “burnout” cite one overwhelming reason above others: suddenly having to flip to "caregiver mode" when they’re either sleeping, or have “shut off” for the day. 

2. Phone the appropriate person – If you want comfort and warmth, or to talk about your feeling, phone friends and family who have agreed to be there for you.  If you are suicidal, don’t dump that responsibility onto someone you love. Call a Crisis Line, or just ask your loved one to take you to the nearest hospital.

3. Focus on their needs, once in a while – This one’s a toughie, if you’re clinically depressed.  But do try to remember they have stresses, feelings and needs too. A little acknowledgment once in a while will help keep them staunchly at your side.

4. Do try to rotate your support “team” – It’s good to have at least 2 or 3 support people on your side. One person bearing the brunt of all your stress is far more likely to “burn out” than 3.

5. Remember they are not trained therapists – always ask permission to talk to them about your problems. Ask “Is now a good time?” And keep the really heavy baggage for your counsellor.

6. Be honest about how you feel -  Telling people honestly what is going on with you and what you need is far better than playing “head games” such as expecting them to “understand” you.

7. Remember you do not have permission to use them as a verbal punching bag – tell them how you feel, but don’t treat them to an angry tirade, if you can possibly help it. Using someone else as a verbal punching bag is simply inexcusable, whether you feel you can handle that or not.

8. The world doesn’t revolve around you because you’re depressed – even though you feel it does.  This is not a negative or judgmental comment, but a blunt acknowledgment that you may genuinely be in the rawest “survival mode” while depressed. If this is so, all veneer of manners and appropriate interaction may go out the proverbial window. However, there will still likely be times when you can muster yourself together long enough to remember your manners.

How To Provide Support To A Depressed Person

People who are depressed are not thinking the same way you are.  However, you can provide a powerful – occasionally even life-saving – source of support.

It’s a huge responsibility, however, and one you should never let someone “dump” on you, if they’re not actually about to jump off a bridge. And even then, your first action should be to either call 911 yourself, or quickly ask someone else to while you keep the depression victim talking.

In other word, leave the life-saving to the professionals.

There are some other ways you can help yourself as much as your depressed friend or relative:

1. Set boundaries – make sure they’re ones that work for you. For example: “Don’t phone me after midnight. If you’re in real crisis, please call the Crisis Line.”

2. Help them set up a “Crisis Plan”, with numbers such as the Suicide Hot Line or local Crisis line on the fridge (as well as any other relatives or friends they are at liberty to call.)  Find out the numbers for them, if they are especially unable to function. Make sure these are prominently displayed in heavy marker, or highlighted with a bright color. People suffering a severe depressive crisis may experience a genuine decrease in visual awareness.

3. Listen more than you talk – don’t make well-meaning suggestions, if you can help it, unless asked directly. You are not a therapist. You are not a judge. If you’ve never experienced severe depression, you do not know what you are talking about. Especially if you think you do.

4. Never tell them to “snap out of it” – or any other phrase of that sort.  If they can't, firing phrases like these at them is the cruelest thing you can do.

5. Do encourage anyone who comes to you in a state of depression to seek professional help immediately.  Help them to get it by looking up numbers and making initial phone calls, if necessary

6. Let them know in advance that if they ever threaten suicide, you will call Emergency workers immediately. And stick to that resolve. (It’s the quickest way to weed out those unlikely few who are just looking for attention, or trying to "drag you into a drama".)

So there you have it: 14 ways to communicate more effectively, whether you are the victim of depression, or a concerned relative anxious (or afraid) to help.

Sometimes, the best “natural remedy” is just knowing you’re not alone.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Antidepressants and Their Side Effects

All types of antidepressant drugs can potentially cause side effects, some of which can be serious, even life-threatening in some cases. Though newer generations of antidepressant drugs are generally safer, with lower toxicity and less chance of overdosing, they still cause significant problems for some users.  Some are unsuitable for pregnant women. Anyone taking them should read the package insert carefully for possible drug interactions, allergic reactions and other complications. The FDA online medication guidelines may also be useful.

Side Effects – General

Headaches, nausea and stomach upsets are common side effects of the antidepressants, and some people also experience unpleasant feelings of agitation and anxiety. Sexual dysfunction is not uncommon and feelings of apathy, numbness and emotional detachment are also reported. Other side effects include dry mouth, vision problems, dizziness, skin complaints and fluctuations in weight. Some may interfere with driving or use of machinery.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are known for the serious consequences arising from drug interactions and if users eat foods rich in tyramine (including red wine and cheese). They also reduce REM sleep and can cause fatigue. Serotonin syndrome is a rare but dangerous drug reaction that can be caused by any of the antidepressants (not just SSRIs) and some tranquillizers.

Although not addictive in the way that the benzodiazepines (such as Valium) can be, antidepressants can nevertheless induce physical and psychological dependence and if discontinued, this should be done gradually. Reputable practitioners will discourage long term use of antidepressant therapies.

Major Controversy

Antidepressants have regularly made the news, with some high profile lawsuits. Thousands have sued GlaxoSmith over paroxetine (Paxil/Seroxat), who advertised it as safer than subsequent studies suggest. As well as risks associated with withdrawal, it is claimed that it can raise a person’s suicide risk (or their risk of acting out suicidal behavior by harming others). Those under 25 are thought to react especially badly to it, and it is contraindicated for children and adolescents.

Antidepressants have transformed some people’s lives, and made others’ lives a misery. They can be dangerous and should be used with extreme caution, always strictly according to prescription specifications.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Avoid Major Life Decisions When You Are Depressed!

One of the symptoms of depression is an altered mood. People, who are normally bubbly and outgoing, change and become more sullen and withdrawn. Anyone who knows you can tell that something is wrong.

Many of the symptoms of depression revolve around your attitude. There is a tendency towards insomnia or trouble staying asleep. Sleep is the time when the body recharges itself.

If you are suffering from depression, you may notice that you are more irritable than usual. That could be followed by crying spells and moments of anger. The majority of suicides have been diagnosed with some form of depression at some point in their lives.

All of these symptoms and others lead to one thing: a change in your outlook on life and your own well-being. It is a common practice for depressed people who are contemplating suicide to give away their belongings. It may not be odd to be generous but these are items that they hold dear and, under any other circumstance, wouldn’t be parted with.

For that reason, making any major life decisions is not wise at this time. If you know anyone who exhibits signs of depression, get them help right away. When people who are depressed are approached by salespersons, they can be more highly suggestible than normal. You may not have wanted to change your life insurance policy a year ago, but in light of your depressive episodes, you may be talked into changing that and more. The downside here is that your life can be totally turned upside down in those days and months when your depression went undiagnosed.

If you or someone you know is being treated for depression, ask a friend or family member to hold you accountable physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. Changes in relationship status, financial status, work status (to name a few) need to be put on hold until you are thinking more clearly.
for a free report....

Friday, February 11, 2011

Facing Depression Head On

Always feeling under the weather? Always not in the mood to be around others and have a good time? If you’re suffering from prolonged sadness for quite some time now, you should face these bouts of depression and get yourself diagnosed by a psychiatrist, they’re doctors who can actually help you out with your problem.

Depression or prolonged sadness is actually quite common in the United States, around 9.5 percent of the American population actually suffer from this illness, however, not all of them get to be treated, thus, depression and its ill-effects continue to be a burden to some individuals. This illness may seem quite simple to treat but in reality, it takes more than a little cheering up to actually cure depression.

 Constant visits to a cognitive behavior therapist is a must as well as taking all the prescribed medicines that the doctor will ask the patient to take – none of these exactly come cheap, but the amount of suffering that a person is going through because of depression is enough reason already for others to start taking notice and face depression head on.

 Depression oftentimes can easily get in the way of an individual’s daily activities and his or her’s normal functions, one’s zest for life can quickly and easily dissipate due to depression. And in place of an individual’s sunny disposition is more or less a person who hates his or herself, having no self-confidence, trying to isolate one’s self from the world and basically just not caring about living any more. More so, a person suffering from depression isn’t the only one who’s going to suffer from this destructive illness, his or her loved ones are sure to follow suit.

 By seeing the individual grow through such rough patches, basically not caring about anything or anyone anymore, it’s highly likely that not only will depression one’s relationship with one’s self but with his or her loved ones too.

Fortunately depression can now be cured, especially when diagnosed early, depressed individuals can actually be treated through therapy and medication, although it may be a bit costly, a person’s good mental health is something that shouldn’t be scrimped on. Cognitive behavioral talk or interpersonal talk are just some of the available psychosocial treatments that cognitive behavior therapists can offer to their patients, both actually prove to be able to produce fruitful and positive results.

Still, people tend to not recognize depression even it’s right before their eyes, being honest with one’s self is key to being able to cure such an illness. Never overlook the various symptoms, depressed individuals oftentimes exhibit uncharacteristic behaviors such as suddenly lacking interest in one’s hobbies (or other stuff that he or she usually enjoys), sleeps too much or actually aren’t able to get some shut-eye, suddenly becoming anti-social, talks a lot about death or being a worthless person.

 There are actually a lot more other symptoms but in case these already fit in your category or of someone that you know of, go to a reputable psychiatrist at once in order to see if the depression is still at an early stage or not. From here you’ll be able to assess how the treatments will actually go.

Depression shouldn’t be something that people fear of, instead, people should just start taking charge of their lives and actually face this illness and fight it. Life is too beautiful a gift to waste and if one will spend the majority of his or her life just moping around about every single little thing then what kind of life would that be? Depression may not kill one’s body but it’ll certainly kills one’s spirit if you’ll let it. Don’t be a victim.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Are You A High functioning Depressive?

If you work long hours, suffer from insomnia, and find yourself suffering from anxiety, unable to relax unless actually working, you may actually be suffering from a high functioning depressive disorder.
This type of depression doesn't yet have an "official" name - but has become increasingly common since the 1990's. Typical of its victim:
•  Contract work with no benefits or self-employment
•  At least 3 periods of unemployment within the last 15 years
•  Financial difficulty
•  No time for leisure or hobbies
•  A family to look after financially
Granted, the nature of jobs has changed completely since the early 1990's.  The sort of guaranteed 9-5 job, with benefits, long tenure, pensions, vacation time and weekends and evenings guaranteed free has turned out to be a universal phenomenon peculiar only to those who served in World War II - and the generation immediately after it.
The rest of North America's population now has to scramble for existence.
This has given rise to great entrepreneurship and ingenuity - but also great stress. "We are probably seeing the most stunning multitude of high functioning depressives this world has seen in decades," says former counselor, Susan B.
What many of these high functioning depressives are turning to, however, is natural therapies.  As quickly as this type of disorder mushroomed, so too did the realization that these work habits are not healthy.
6 Popular Natural Tactics
Among successful anxiety and stress release tactics reported on an entrepreneur's forum:
•  Massage
•  Reiki treatments
•  Natural ingested remedies
•  EFT
•  Biofeedback
•  Behavior Modification
There is a particular stress nowadays on diet as an aid to curing depression. It's recognized that B vitamin deficiencies may have a large part to play, particularly among vegetarians, since the body can only absorb vitamin B12 from meat. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been reported to improve symptoms of anxiety and depression. These can be found mostly in tuna, salmon and flax seeds. However, this is one case where ingested in food, levels may be inadequate in counteracting depression and anxiety.  Supplementing your diet with a recognized Omega-3 fish oil or Evening Primrose oil may prove more effective.
3 Tips In Overcoming Insomnia and Depressive Anxiety
The biggest 3 tips in overcoming insomnia and depressive anxiety:
•  Don't drink coffee, tea or cola after 4 p.m.
•  Use timers to signal when tasks are to be completed
•  Eat or drink a light snack containing L-Tryptophan
Not drinking caffeine after 4 has been reported as the single most effective remedy for insomnia caused by this type of depressive disorder, followed by the L-Tryptophan containing snack. (Dairy, poultry or nuts should do the trick.)
Using a timer to "cue" you as to when to "switch off" - but too many people abandon this technique, ignoring the timer alarm and pushing through to keep working.  However, if you stick with this method long enough for it to become a habit (6 weeks, according to an unrelated NASA experiment), it can actually make a difference.

Two Little Known Causes Of Depression

Among the many causes of depression are 2 little known causes - "highly unlikely" as in, one doesn't normally associate depression with the component in question.
Oral Contraceptives
Among these, birth control pills have recently come under scrutiny as a possible cause, with previously "normal" women (and teens) reporting symptoms such as:
•  Unrelieved pessimism
•  Exhaustion
•  Deep sadness
•  Crying
•  Stress
The big tip-off that the depression may be caused by contraceptives?  A lack of the sleep disorders or appetite changes such as anorexia (loss of appetite) or carbohydrate/sugar cravings that usually accompanies most types of depression.
When one starts to realize that some of these symptoms mimic pregnancy or post-partum depression, things start to make sense. Studies further confirmed that almost half the number of women studied for depression associated with oral contraceptives test as deficient in vitamin B6 (pyridoxine.)  
When treated with vitamin B6, the depressed women's moods noticeably improved.
If this sounds as if it might be the cause of your depression, do see your doctor or naturopath to discuss B6 supplementation. 
Keep in mind that dosage should not exceed 50 mg/day.

Zinc Deficiency
Zinc is a mineral that provides crucial regulation for our genetic functions. When diets are zinc deficient over a long period of time, our genes don’t “read” information the correct way.  The results?  Symptoms such as:
• Depression
• Frequent colds and sore throats
• Lack of appetite
• Lowered immune systems
• Frequent infections (compromised white blood cells)
One big clue to a possible zinc deficiency, apart from these symptoms?  Faulty sense of taste and smell.
Before you rush out to dose yourself with Zinc, however, do consult your health professional. The optimum amount is tricky to determine for each individual, and it is possible to suffer from an overdose.   Recommended zinc dosage for adults: 8mg per day.
Symptoms of Zinc toxicity include digestive difficulties, cramps and a bitter taste frequently described as “metallic”.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Antidepressants and Their Side Effects

All types of antidepressant drugs can potentially cause side effects, some of which can be serious, even life-threatening in some cases. Though newer generations of antidepressant drugs are generally safer, with lower toxicity and less chance of overdosing, they still cause significant problems for some users.  Some are unsuitable for pregnant women. Anyone taking them should read the package insert carefully for possible drug interactions, allergic reactions and other complications. The FDA online medication guidelines may also be useful.
Side Effects – General
Headaches, nausea and stomach upsets are common side effects of the antidepressants, and some people also experience unpleasant feelings of agitation and anxiety. Sexual dysfunction is not uncommon and feelings of apathy, numbness and emotional detachment are also reported. Other side effects include dry mouth, vision problems, dizziness, skin complaints and fluctuations in weight. Some may interfere with driving or use of machinery.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are known for the serious consequences arising from drug interactions and if users eat foods rich in tyramine (including red wine and cheese). They also reduce REM sleep and can cause fatigue. Serotonin syndrome is a rare but dangerous drug reaction that can be caused by any of the antidepressants (not just SSRIs) and some tranquillizers.
Although not addictive in the way that the benzodiazepines (such as Valium) can be, antidepressants can nevertheless induce physical and psychological dependence and if discontinued, this should be done gradually. Reputable practitioners will discourage long term use of antidepressant therapies.

Major Controversy
Antidepressants have regularly made the news, with some high profile lawsuits. Thousands have sued GlaxoSmith over paroxetine (Paxil/Seroxat), who advertised it as safer than subsequent studies suggest. As well as risks associated with withdrawal, it is claimed that it can raise a person’s suicide risk (or their risk of acting out suicidal behavior by harming others). Those under 25 are thought to react especially badly to it, and it is contraindicated for children and adolescents.
Antidepressants have transformed some people’s lives, and made others’ lives a misery. They can be dangerous and should be used with extreme caution, always strictly according to prescription specifications.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Helping Yourself with Depression Help

If you're currently feeling so out of it, totally out of your normal system and just basically hating and ignoring almost, always everything and anyone that comes along, try to get yourself checked by a psychiatrist because you those little mood swings and erratic Ally McBeal-ish behavior that you're trying to ignore for some long may actually be symptoms of depression. Act fast because if you do, it'll certainly be a lot harder for you to be able to have yourself cured from this illness, especially once self-delusion starts to kick in.

Actually start by hauling your depressed self into the hospital and get yourself diagnosed by a reputable psychiatrist, one that'll actually help you with your depression concerns, answer all the possible questions that you may have when it comes to depression as well as provide you with the best available to depression treatment that'll make you give yourself some good-old, yet extremly effective depression help. All it needs is the right attitude.

After actually being honest with yourself when it comes to actually being a patient who is suffering from depression, quit turning youself into a victim and find out from these various types of depression the actual one that you're suffering from: Manic or Bipolar depression - characterized by sudden and extreme changes in one's mood wherein one minute he or she is in an elevated state of euphoria while the next minute (day or week) he or she is feeling to be in a personal hell, Postpartum depression - characterized by a prolonged sadness and a feeling of emptiness by a new mother wherein physical stress during child birth, an uncertain sense of responsibility towards the new born baby can be just some of the possible factors why some new mother go through this, Dysthimia - characterized by a slight similarity with depression, although this time, it's been proven to be a lot less severe, but of course with any case, should be treated immediately, Cyclothemia - characterized by a slight similarity with Manic or Bipolar depression wherein the individual suffering from this mental illness may occasionally suffer from severe changes in one's moods, Seasonal Affective Disorder - characterized by falling in a rut only during specific seasons (i.e. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall) studies however, prove that more people actually fall in to a rut more during the Winter and Fall seasons and lastly, Mood swings, wherein a person's mood may shift from happy to sad to angry in just a short time. But in spite of how scary or how daunting a task is the road towards a sound mental health is, depression help abounds and is just up to you if you’re willing to take in some of that depression help, may it be from your family, friends, support group and mainly starting from yourself, there really is a lot of depression help to go around. 
The old adage, slowly but surely greatly applies in trying to treat depression, as the patient continues taking the prescribed medicines for his/her depression treatment, as well as the corresponding therapy sessions with the cognitive behavior therapist, a patient being treated from depression needs all the support and depression help that he or she can get.

While being treated for depression, the patient as well as his or her family and other loved ones are advised to make realistic goals concerning depression wherein, to not assume that their depression can be easily treated in a snap. Depression help begins with trying to understand the patient’s situation and continue on being patient as well as always extending your help because depression help is never easy nor is the depression treatment itself, which is why both patients and loved ones need to help each other out through every step of the way. Never set goals that are high above your reach, give yourself some depression help by not being too hard on yourself, believe that you are good and strong enough to achieve your goals but only one step at a time.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Clinical Depression

Depression, a mental illness that is often characterized by prolonged periods of sadness and melancholy, experts from the field of psychiatry say.
But just because one person is moping around and just generally hating the world around him or her, doesn't mean that it's already depression, but if this kind of behavior, the feeling of emptiness, loss of self-worth and absolutely no hope for happiness just goes on and on, then, yes, that individual is very much, indeed, depressed.
Still, there are various types of depression, from Manic or Bipolar depression - characterized by sudden and extreme changes in one's mood wherein one minute he or she is in an elevated state of euphoria while the next minute (day or week) he or she is feeling to be in a personal hell, Postpartum depression - characterized by a prolonged sadness and a feeling of emptiness by a new mother wherein physical stress during child birth, an uncertain sense of responsibility towards the new born baby can be just some of the possible factors why some new mother go through this, Dysthimia - characterized by a slight similarity with depression, although this time, it's been proven to be a lot less severe, but of course with any case, should be treated immediately, Cyclothemia - characterized by a slight similarity with Manic or Bipolar depression wherein the individual suffering from this mental illness may occasionally suffer from severe changes in one's moods, Seasonal Affective Disorder - characterized by falling in a rut only during specific seasons (i.e. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall) studies however, prove that more people actually fall in to a rut more during the WInter and Fall seasons and lastly, Mood swings, wherein a person's mood may shift from happy to sad to angry in just a short time. 
Clinical depression however, or as some might call as 'major' depression, is actually the medical term for depression. Actually clinical depression is more of a disorder rather than an illness since it basically covers only those who are suffering from symptoms related to depression. Clinical depression is how doctors usually refer to "depression" when giving a diagnose of their patient. It's basically just a medical term.
However, in spite of being an actual disorder, Clinical depression may well be treated. Doctors are actually highly optimistic that their patients who are suffering from Clinical disorder will be well on their way towards good mental health as long as they treated as soon as they have been diagnosed with Clinical depression. Patients who have been seeking for treatments for Clinical depression have proven to be quite successful in their quest, given that 80 percent of actual Clinical depression patients have been treated and has somewhat found relief from their disorder.
For those who may be seeking some answers for their Clinical depression related questions, the depression section of the health center is highly recommended, as well as books on psychiatry and the internet - which can offer a lot of helpful information with regards to Clinical depression although self-medication/treatment is highly disapproved of. Clinical depression may not pose as much as a threat as the other types of depression, but it is best to leave it to the hands of professionals who can safely attend to and cure this disorder.

Getting anxious over Anxiety Depression?

Cyclothemia - characterized by a slight similarity with Manic or Bipolar depression wherein the individual suffering from this mental illness may occasionally suffer from severe changes in one's moods.
Seasonal Affective Disorder - characterized by falling in a rut only during specific seasons (i.e. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall) studies however, prove that more people
actually fall in to a rut more during the Winter and Fall seasons and lastly, Mood swings, wherein a person's mood may shift from happy to sad to angry in just a short time. 
But the type of depression that has actually been proven to be quite common among people is anxiety depression, which is actually characterized by the state of being overly anxious about things. Anxiety, a supposedly normal behavior that'll actually help a person adjust more to a certain stressful activity like first date jitters or a grueling exam the following day. Anxiety actually helps you get psyched up towards facing certain "difficult situations"; anxiety therefore is actually a good thing. Anxiety depression however, is simply the opposite, not to be easily dismissed as a "case of the nerves"; Anxiety depression is in actuality an illness that can be caused from the biological makeup of an individual, or in other words, a hereditary illness.
Also, there are actually various types of Anxiety depression, each having its own unique characteristics. Take for example Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD, this kind of Anxiety depression is a lot more complicated than the average Anxiety depression, in spite of possibly being a day-to-day habit for those who suffer this kind of Anxiety depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder actually makes the individual quite more paranoid than usual, anxiety attacks are more frequent, even absurd at times. They can even be anxious even when there's no apparent reason that calls for them to behave in such a way. People suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder actually shows a lot of symptoms, from lack of sleep, to being unable to relax, getting tired easily, cannot concentrate on what they're doing and even suffering from depression.  This kind of Anxiety depression is still curable; just a little work will actually do the trick.
Consult a reputable cognitive behavior therapist who'll help give the individual the therapy that he or she needs to help him or her loosen up, also prescribed medicines are sort of a must to help these individuals battle anxiety attacks, help them calm down and relax.

For more information